At the end of each year, many people usually take a moment to reflect on all the events, challenges and successes of the previous period. The past year undoubtedly has been different than usual.
At the end of 2021, at Blue10, we look back on a number of great milestones that we celebrated together. This year we have made many adjustments to our software in relation to stability and performance. Rebuilding our software is the beginning. The beginning of something special, but you will see and hear a lot more about that in 2022😉.
Given the current situation, we have also given a different interpretation to our annual Christmas initiative this year. You can read more about this at the bottom of this page. Finally, we wish you happy holidays and a beautiful, successful and above all healthy 2022.

Software development
We have been working hard over the past year on the total rebuild of our software. The entire import process from import to recognition of documents has been rebuilt completely. The new import process is significantly faster than the old process and can easily scale up when the volume of incoming documents increases. Another important part in the complete rebuild of our software is the development of new websites, including a renewed interface. More than 100 customers have now been fully migrated to the renewed interface. In the first quarter of 2022, we continue to roll out our renewed interface to all customers in phases. The roll-out will be carried out per accounting system.
What’s next?
In addition to speed and stability, the renewed interface also offers a number of useful, new functionalities for users, such as a drag and drop function for attachments, seeing the current invoice side by side next to previous invoices from the same supplier and, for example, the possibility to not only split documents, but also to merge them directly. More information can be found here.
The renewed interface also offers a good basis to be truly innovative again at Blue10, such as showing Fast Insights for invoices, simplifying the user interface of users who only check and / or approve invoices, the development of an approval app and various possibilities to also process other document types via Blue10. We first had to work on a strong foundation, but we are slowly but surely getting to the point where we can really focus on the future again!
The 50th Blue10 employee
With a growing number of customers and a corresponding growth in the number of documents to be processed in Blue10, this also includes the expansion and further professionalization of our organization. In the growth of our organization, we celebrated the arrival of the 50th Blue10 employee in October. At Blue10 we always celebrate successes together and we also celebrated this milestone in our own way.

Blue10 is co-sponsor of Sparta Rotterdam
In September we connected ourselves to the oldest club in professional football in the Netherlands: Sparta Rotterdam as a co-sponsor. The Blue10 logo can be seen on the shorts of the players. In addition, Blue10 is now visible on a sponsor board behind the goal and several times on LED boarding during matches at Het Kasteel, the home of Sparta. We are very much looking forward to this beautiful partnership and the social projects that we will set up together.
Want to know more about the partnership between Sparta and Blue10? Read more here.

Christmas 2021 initiatives
Team Blue10 delivers 300 Christmas gifts
Each year at Christmas, we dedicate ourselves to helping those who can use a helping hand. We are all dedicated to offering our time and services. Last year’s campaign gave us such a great sense of gratitude that we once again packed 300 Christmas gifts. This year, every Blue10 employee has visited at least five people or households who could use a little extra. Whether if this is a lonely elderly person or someone who is in a difficult situation; we hope that, with our gift, we have been able to give them a smile.
Sparta Youth Football Clinic for (grand)children of healthcare workers
Together with Sparta Rotterdam, we will organize a youth football clinic for the (grand)children of care workers from the Westland and Delft region in May 2022.
Want to know more about both Christmas promotions? Read more here.