Improved invoice control and a deeper insight into the organization

Number of invoices per year
Customer since
Accounting system
Catering industry / Leisure
Bovegro & Golf Course Spierdijk have two very different business activities but fall under one ownership. The company Bovegro focuses on the cultivation of potatoes and onions and Golf Course Spierdijk speaks for itself. In this short interview, Paul discusses why he and his partners have chosen to digitize the incoming invoice stream and how they are reaping the benefits of this decision on a daily basis.
Why did you choose Blue10?
‘It is very convenient that we only pay Blue 10 for how much we use and can increase or decrease our monthly subscription based on the volume of invoices scanned. This will be ideal when we decide to incorporate Golf Course Spierdijk’s invoices into Blue 10.’
Working with Blue 10, how’s it going?
‘In March of this year, we started the digital processing of invoices in Blue10. We are now processing approximately 900 purchase invoices in combination with Twinfield. At first, I chose to only process the administration of Bovegro via Blue10. That way I could get to know the system and experience whether it could also be useful for Golf Course Spierdijk. Within a few weeks, I knew enough, and once I am done with the busy agricultural season, I would like to add the administration of Golf Course Spierdijk into the Blue 10 System as well. In the beginning, it took some getting used to the fact that invoices were no longer physically present on my desk. The simplicity and ease with which I now process invoices, greatly shortens the administrative work for me. I would also like to process the invoices of Golf Course Spierdijk digitally in the short term. Not only because of the faster processing, but also because it will ensure better invoice control and give us deeper insight into the organization. ‘
How did you experience the start-up?
‘The start-up of Blue10 has been smooth and fast. After a short explanation, I started working with it myself. If I had any questions, I would always call the support department of Blue10 and was immediately helped. In the beginning, I did not like scanning, as in practice I found it time consuming. By actively approaching suppliers to deliver invoices digitally, I could achieve a windfall in terms of time and expense. It would mean that I would scan less and that the invoices would automatically be in Blue10 direct from the mailbox. I am going to pick this up after the agricultural season so that I can work even more efficiently. ‘
What are the major benefits of working with Blue10?
‘Using templates, the correct general ledger accounts automatically appear for suppliers, so I no longer have to enter them manually. In addition, the digital archive is a relief. I no longer have to place invoices behind the correct tab in a folder, but I can easily find each invoice on the basis of different characteristics. My accountant is also charmed by the system. Previously, at year end, he received my entire administration at once. Now he can divide his work over the year and overlook the financials whenever it suits him.’
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