Donders fashion

According to Donders fashion, finding the invoices easily is a big advantage

Number of invoices per year
Customer since
Accounting system
Exact Globe
Trade / Retail
Donders fashion is a worldwide producer of leather jackets, ready-made jackets and pants for both men and women. The DNR brand is sold worldwide through around 2500 retail organizations. Donders Fashion also works for many private label fashion companies and fashion brands. One of the core values of Donders Fashion is continuous innovation. They have implemented this in their internal processes by automating the processing of their purchase invoices with Blue10 since June 2017.
We spoke to Gerrie ter Hart about the benefits that Donders Fashion has gained thanks to the digital processing of purchase invoices. Gerrie is a Donders Fashion controller and is responsible for, among other things, processing and recording purchase invoices.
Labour intensive process
Gerrie explains the administrative process of DNR to Blue10: “In the past, invoices were mostly received via e-mail. I then forwarded this e-mail to the responsible purchaser to have the invoice checked. Checking the correct data was often time-consuming. After approval of the invoice I had to enter the payment manually in Exact Globe. I also added the PDF immediately after which the file was stored in different folders on the computer. ” This process was not always smooth at Donders and was very labour intensive. This was the starting point to search for a solution to process the invoices automatically. “At a certain point you realize that it can be done much more efficiently. The wish to automate has always been with me, but often you tend to continue doing something that is known. ”
Saving time
In our interview, Gerrie mentions the various benefits that Blue10 offers: “We are now realizing considerable time savings. In particular, checking the invoices was time-consuming. You had to check every VAT line and this took a lot of time. Of course, we still have to check the VAT, but Blue10 automatically recognizes the most important data from the invoice, making it much faster. ” Thanks to Blue10’s workflow, emailing invoices back and forth is a thing of the past with Donders. He calls the digital archive a solution and is structured logically and structurally: “I can now quickly find the invoices based on various characteristics, which means that I have the correct invoice within a few seconds.” All user actions and comments are recorded in the history of the invoice: ‘In the history I can see who has an invoice, what action has been taken and what has been said about the invoice. In retrospect you think: if only we had done this before,” Gerrie tells us.
Keep it simple
Everything new needs some adjusting to, including the use of Blue10. Nevertheless, the employees of Donders didn’t need much time for this: “Blue10 is structured and the actions are logical and simple. I always say: “Keep it simple, then everyone can use it.” What Blue10 has brought us is really of added value. After just a day of working with it, you get the hang of it. ” Although Gerrie has few contacts with them, he is satisfied with the Blue10 Service Desk. “Because of the logic and structure of the system, I have few questions. If I do have a question, I am always answered quickly and in an extremely friendly manner by the employees. “Finally, Gerrie wants to say something about Blue10 as an organization: “I think the story behind Blue10 is very beautiful. The fact that the youngest son has made a solution for the problem that could not be found in the market is unique in my eyes. Blue10 really originated from practice and that is reflected in today’s solution.”
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