
Ixoconcept finds the Blue10 Application very convenient

Number of invoices per year
Customer since
Accounting system
Exact Online
Business support services
Ixoconcept helps companies realize sustainable and profitable customer relationships by creating original loyalty concepts and gifts. They process approximately 1,200 automated purchase invoices using Blue10. In doing so, they strive not only for sustainable customer relationships, but also for sustainable administration procedures.
Time management
Previously, Dorien Derks, finance and HR coordinator, booked everything manually in Exact Online. Now this process is happily automated, she recalls: ‘I was spending a lot of time entering the data in Exact. After that, the invoices still had to be checked frequently by several people and then finally sent to the director for payment approval. I, myself work 20 hours a week so the stacks of invoices on my desk continued to increase. There was not enough time to conquer it all by manually entering data. My time could be used effectively with other tasks. There was a clear and immediate need for an automated solution to process this particular administrative task faster’
Up and running within an hour
The choice for Blue10 was made quickly. Dorien elaborates: ‘We asked our Exact consultant if he knew of a solution to the problem we encountered. He told us that Blue10 could be a good choice for us. We then contacted Blue10 for a demonstration of the system. This looked so good that we immediately wanted to get started.’ The start-up went smoothly and within an hour Ixoconcept started working with Blue10. ‘You expect that implementing a new system is difficult, but that is not the case with Blue10. The service desk employee from Blue 10 explained the system remotely within one hour. We also did not need to purchase any additional licenses for the link with Exact Online. This is nice.’
It takes a lot of work off your hands
In Blue10 it is possible to match purchase orders from Exact Online. Dorien is happy with this new functionality: ‘Thanks to the link with Exact, I now have direct insight into our receipts. Because of this, I know if I can book the invoice. It is just easy and takes a lot of work off your hands. Another advantage of Blue10 is that you can create a supplier and then automatically synchronize it in Exact. Thanks to the good connection between Blue10 and Exact, you do not have to enter everything twice. The retrieval of the invoices is also simple in Blue10, easier than in Exact itself. If I want to know something about the status of an invoice, I filter on supplier or invoice number and I know what is going on. I can then see immediately whether an invoice has been paid or not.’
Blue10 works smoothly
Dorien’s colleagues are also pleased with the use of Blue10: ‘My colleagues think that Blue10 works well. We have the invoices checked by different employees and the director gives the final approval for the payment. The employees who have to check the invoice can do so whenever it suits them. They receive a timely notification email, with a message alert that informs them invoices are awaiting their action to process. Having an email notification keeps the task fresh on the minds of the employees. As for myself, as a manager, I am able to have an insight into which employee has an invoice and keep track on any comments entered about the invoice.’
Blue10 App
Recently, Dorien downloaded the Blue10 App on to her phone, which allows documents to be directly uploaded into the Blue10 environment: ‘The App is really ideal for small documents such as receipts. For example, if you have a receipt for a company expense, you can instantly take a picture of it using the Blue10 App, which works as if you have scanned the receipt, The App directly uploads and stores the digital receipt to be processed later in Blue10. This way you are safe, even if you lose the paper receipt. The app is also ideal for companies that have to deal with numerous travel expenses. Employees can pay for their coffee and croissant separately, but send the gasoline expense straight to Blue10.’
Finally, Dorien would like to share her enthusiasm about Blue10: ‘Blue10 is very accessible. This is evident in the free support we receive. If we have a question we are always helped quickly. Via the contact support form, we immediately receive an e-mail that the question or problem has been received and is being processed. You notice that customer-friendliness is paramount for the whole team at Blue 10. The attention they have for you, for instance, in tackling a problem right away, is very comforting.’
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