The digital proccessing of purchase invoices provide a lot of time saving and efficiency

Number of invoices per year
Customer since
Accounting system
Exact Globe
RTV Rijnmond is a regional, public broadcaster for the Rijnmond region in South Holland. From the head office in Rotterdam, more than 85 permanent employees and numerous freelancers are working on broadcasting local news and the programs of RTV Rijnmond.
In August 2014, RTV Rijnmond started digitally processing their invoices. We have asked Marjon Becker, Controller, some questions about working with Blue10.
How did the invoice processing process occur in the past for you and what did you encounter?
‘The former invoice processing process was done manually at RTV Rijnmond. All purchase invoices arrived at the administration. Here the invoices were stamped and booked in Exact Globe. The purchasing employee then distributed the purchasing invoices to the budget holders in the organization. The process did not always go smoothly. The status of an invoice was not clear and sometimes an invoice was lost in the organization. If I had to look up an invoice in a cupboard, it also took me more time than I thought desirable. In addition, the purchasing employee lost a lot of time in delivering the invoices. I was convinced that this could be done more efficiently.’
How did you come into contact with the digital processing of invoices?
‘We became increasingly aware of the need to find a solution for this process. A conversation with Blue10 would help us to determine if the digital processing of invoices, could be the solution for us. When our colleague, who is responsible for processing the purchase invoices, retired, we were forced to find a suitable solution. Following the presentation of Blue10, we realized that digital processing of purchase invoices could provide a lot of time saving and efficiency, at a relatively low investment. That is why we started with Blue10.’
How did you experience the start-up?
‘The remote start-up went well. In the beginning it took some getting used to and we had to discover how the system worked. The work processes had to be adjusted. Also for my colleagues, fellow budget holders, it took some getting used to in the first instance, but soon they also saw the efficiency gained from the use of the system.’
What is it like, working with Blue10?
‘Blue10 does what it has to do. The software is fairly flexible, because it is possible to organize the process according to the wishes of the organization. The workflow makes it much clearer where the invoice is when it enters the organization. Monthly subscriptions are also flexible; from support to the number of users is included in the price.’
What are the major benefits of working with Blue10?
We increasingly receive invoices via e-mail. This saves time, because these invoices end up directly in Blue10. In addition, I no longer have to dive into the cupboards to look up an invoice. Thanks to the digital archive I can look up the invoice quickly. Invoices are also no longer lost and the status is always known when an invoice enters the organization. The budget holders are now also more than satisfied. He / she will receive a notification if an invoice has been offered for approval and the history remains available. The budget holder can therefore retrieve an invoice at any time and no longer needs to ask the administration to look up a specific invoice.
Of course there are still areas for improvement. If I have questions, the support desk will help me well. Blue10 is open to tips, suggestions and wishes of the customers. This is carefully listened to, so that the invoice processing process gets better and better’
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